FSCONS approaching fast

Only 17 (!!!) days left till FSCONS.

The FSCONS team published a revised schedule at the FSCONS-website today.

They also announced an Openmoko codesprint as well as the QtCenter Contest.

A panel debate about the Future of Copyright is now also a part of FSCONS. So far Rasmus Fleischer,Henrik Moltke and Johan Söderberg have confirmed their participation.

There is also a Creative Commons Workshop, held by the Creative Commons Sweden team and many other things to discover. So check their website, register and join the movement.

more info: see http://www.fscons.org

One thought on “FSCONS approaching fast”

  1. I am almost certainly going. Hesa and I had spoken about going by train – that would be a lot of fun, especially if there were a bunch of hackers hacking away. But it might be quicker and cheaper to travel by plane.

    In any case, FOSDEM rocks and all you hackers should go!

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